Homeless Resources Near Boise / Mountain Home, ID

Housing Crisis Hotline

  • Our Path Home: A collaborative partnership of nearly 50 agencies offering homelessness prevention services, rapid response for those experiencing homelessness, and supportive housing. They operate a Housing Crisis Hotline for Ada County residents.​

Emergency Shelters

  • Interfaith Sanctuary: Provides overnight shelter and supportive services for men, women, and families with children.​
  • Boise Rescue Mission Ministries: Offers emergency shelter services at multiple locations:​
    • River of Life Men’s Shelter: 575 S. 13th St., Boise, ID​
    • City Light Home for Women and Children: 1404 W. Jefferson St., Boise, ID​
    • Valley Women and Children’s Shelter: 869 W. Corporate Ln., Nampa, ID​
    • Website:

Daytime Shelter and Services

  • Corpus Commons: Boise’s only year-round day shelter, offering a place to get out of the weather, take showers, do laundry, receive mail, use the phone, have meals, and be part of a community.​
    • Address: 525 Americana Blvd, Boise, ID 83702​
    • Phone: 208-426-0039​
    • Website:

Youth Services

  • Idaho Youth Ranch: Provides various programs, including counseling and therapy services for youth and families, a youth crisis shelter (Hays House), job readiness programs, and adoption services.​
    • Website:

Refugee Assistance

  • Agency for New Americans (ANA): Offers resettlement services to refugees in the Boise area, including case management, employment development and placement, support services, and other community integration services.​
    • Website:

Comprehensive Support Services

  • St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho: Provides assistance with food, housing expenses, clothing, furniture, and other basic human needs through generous donations of goods, food, volunteer time, and financial support.​Homeless Coalition Boise
  • Love INC Boise: Operates a call center to assist with various needs, including housing, transportation, and other support services.​
    • Assistance Line: 208-377-3502 Ext 1​
    • Website:

Supportive Housing

  • Boise City/Ada County Housing Authorities: Offers supportive housing programs for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, including case management, counseling, medical care, and other services.​
    • Website:

Additional Resources

  • Idaho Housing and Finance Association: Provides information on homelessness resources and emergency solutions grants.​
    • Website:
  • Catholic Charities of Idaho: Offers social services, including educational, counseling, and vocational services, to assist individuals and families in need.​Homeless Coalition Boise
    • Website:
  • Life Church Boise: Through its Street Campus outreach, ministers to the homeless by cooking and distributing food, praying, and connecting with those on the streets of Boise.​
    • Website:
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: Look up your local ward or branch and speak with the Bishop or other leader: https://maps.churchofjesuschrist.org/